Results The standard death rate was 497.20 per 100000 in the city proper in 1998. The main death causes in decreasing sequence were cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, neoplasms, respiratory diseases injuries, with chronic diseases accounting for more than 80%. 结果徐州市市区居民1998年标化死亡率为497.20/10万,主要死因顺位为心脑血管病、肿瘤、呼吸系病、意外伤害等,慢性病死亡占死亡总数的80%以上。
Methods The data from disease surveillance of Xuzhou urban population were classified according to ICD-9 and analysed in terms of standard death rate etc. 方法对市区疾病监测资料通过ICD-9分类,使用标化死亡率等指标进行分析。
With the development of medical standard, the death rate of heavy brain trauma patient was low now, but large persistent vegetative state ( PVS) patient come up. 随着医疗水平的提高,重型颅脑外伤病人的病死率有所减少,但同时持续性植物状态(PVS)病人大量地出现。